
Showing posts from September, 2022

Instagram AR filters using methods, how to use and where to find?

In the previous episode1 , we have looked at the necessity of the AR filters and how we make. Then there is a question regarding it. How on earth do people know about the AR filters and find them to use? Especially marketers who need to explain the AR filters to team leaders, do not worry. Instagram Story 1) Visit instagram account (how to use AR filter_instagram) The filter tab in your account is where filters are most frequently used. Since it is the most accessible passageway to reach consumers, it is important to competitively appeal this part. 2) Search Instagram effects (how to use AR filter_instagram) *Since the AR filters are also called as effects, so you can understand them as [ AR filters = effects]. ①  When post a story, swipe the bottom button right. ②  Click the magnifying icon (Browse the effects). ③  Click the search right side above (A gallery of effects). ④  Search keywords. ⑤  Click ‘Use effect’ This is how to apply the filters on them when u...

Instagram, Tiktok AR filter : A shortform digital marketing tool

(WE-AR Portfolio_brand AR filter campaign)   What is the AR filters? The AR filters are digital marketing devices that actively take advantage of this concept. You can understand it more easily with examples. Cases of AR filters that WE-AR brands create. Through the AR filters, users become BlackPink, a K-POP artist, and a Batman and transform a Coca-Cola model. They can also have a virtual trip to Gwanghwamun a booming tourist spot in korea. Augmented Reality refers to a reality that has been expanded by being added digital elements to the reality we live in. Simply, we can experience virtual digital contents directly in reality. (global brand AR filter campaign) *Global brands such as Hermes, Nike and Coca-Cola have already been communicating with consumers by using the AR filters. The essential point is that consumers are able to be a virtual ambassador through the AR filters. Brands convey their products, atmosphere and stories by containing in the AR filters to consumers whic...

AR Filter : the most effective metaverse marketing from Instagram to TikTok #2

The useful marketing tool in the essentially upcoming metaverse era. I think you understood why the AR filter is a metaverse in the last episode(click) . Let's get to the bottom of it! So, you are getting and getting interested in the AR filters? WE-AR, a great mento, will make Instagram AR filter easier to understand for you with just five alphabets. S. P. A. R. K *Spark AR is a program which creates the Instagram AR filters. 1.  S o, What is AR Filter? AR stands for Augmented Reality. It is one metaverse scene that adds graphic elements to the reality where we live in, creating a different level of experience. (WE-AR Portfolio_brand AR filter campaign) The AR filters expand the daily life of consumers through AR contents, allowing to have various experiences. You can jump into the four-season scenery of Gwanghwamun,in just one second, transform to be Younghee in Squid Game, receive a passing neckless of Hip-Hop contest with own unique rap, and easily wear virtual galsses and min...

AR Filter : the most effective metaverse marketing from Instagram to TikTok #1

  The useful marketing tool in the essentially upcoming metaverse era. Recently, brands who know “this” are already using “this” to very closely communicate with consumers. Consumers are playing with “this” that brands created, naturally enjoying them. What is “this”?  ➡️ THE AR FILTER It is a rising marketing tool for booming social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok. However, what is the relationship between the AR filter and metaverse? Metaverse had been a big hit from a few years ago until early this year. Simply, it is digital world where you can play and work by using smartphones and computers.  (*Metaverse is a combined word of meta, which means transcendence and virtualization, and universe, which means reality and world, with the meaning of three-dimensional virtual world.) By the time when everyone gets tired of the “metaverse” with being heard here and there, one of the CEOs of Silicon Valley declared a strong vision for metaverse...