AR Filter : the most effective metaverse marketing from Instagram to TikTok #1


The useful marketing tool in the essentially upcoming metaverse era.

Recently, brands who know “this” are already using “this” to very closely communicate with consumers. Consumers are playing with “this” that brands created, naturally enjoying them.

What is “this”? 


It is a rising marketing tool for booming social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok. However, what is the relationship between the AR filter and metaverse? Metaverse had been a big hit from a few years ago until early this year. Simply, it is digital world where you can play and work by using smartphones and computers. 

(*Metaverse is a combined word of meta, which means transcendence and virtualization, and universe, which means reality and world, with the meaning of three-dimensional virtual world.)

By the time when everyone gets tired of the “metaverse” with being heard here and there, one of the CEOs of Silicon Valley declared a strong vision for metaverse and even changed the name of his company. 

(*As of April 2021, the MAU (Monthly Active User) of Facebook ranked first in the world with monthly 2.7 billion.)

“The era of metaverse has already begun”

However, metaverse is just stepping its beginning. Global IT companies such as Meta, Google, Nvidia and Apple put enormous efforts in creating their metaverses.

But, from the perspective of brands, some vague questions are unavoidably occurred.

  • Food brand A : We can’t let the customers actually eat…. How can we use metaverse?
  • Cosmetic brand B : I would like to make a virtual influencer to apply our brand’s product, but will it be cost effective?
  • Fashion brand C : Customers will know about products when they actually wear…. And isn’t VR fitting room app too expensive?
  • Artist D : a new song is released but it’s a little far from the concept of a virtual world avatar…

What on earth is metaverse…. If it is difficult and scary, just remember this one thing.

“Metaverse extends reality”

Yawning Wait…! Couldn’t it be a little more familiar and easier?
So, we introduce!

The easiest way to acknowledge among metaverse ideas,
Gganbu marketing!! which allows brands and consumers to be gganbu.

It is (Ta-da) Instagram AR filters!!
I will answer the above questions with the AR filters.

  • Food Brand A : We can’t let the customers actually eat…. How can we use metaverse?
➡️ Express the situation as if users eat your food with an interesting AR game filter.

  • Cosmetic brand B : I would like to make a virtual influencer to apply out brand’s product, but will it be cost effective? 
➡️ Then, create the AR filter that your potential customers can actually use the products rather than artificial influencers.

  • Fashion brand C : Isn’t VR fitting room app too expensive? 
➡️ With the AR filters, expose the outfits and campaign messages to users.

  • Artist D : A new song is released but it’s a little far from the concept of a virtual world avatar… 
➡️ Get the attention of consumers by producing the AR filters that introduce the album concept with plying BGM.

Now we'll go into more detail in the next episode(click).


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